Nordic Bean Bag

Our Nordic Bean Bag Collection & Outdoor Sun Lounge Solution Dyed 

Macey & Moore’s Nordic Bean bag  is a versatile piece of furniture that you’d want to include in your home. Featuring a trendy design that resembles a Scandinavian interior, you’d love its natural linen feel, paper touch and handmade hemp rope that work together to easily complement your interior, naturally.

Versatile, stylish and can easily adapt to your room decor--there is no reason to not use Macey & Moore’s Nordic bean bag & ottoman set in your home. Choose from a range of colours and designs available in our shop.

4 results
Outdoor Cushion 40x60cm - Dinan Pink
Outdoor Cushion 55cm Square - Dinan Pink
Outdoor Cushion 40x60cm - Dinan Blue
LAST ONE - Outdoor Cushion 55cm Square - Dinan White
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